Troubleshooting steps
- Restart your system
- Apply software updates
- Did adding a new software program cause a problem?
- Still having issues?
1. Restart your system
- Click the Windows Start Button
often located in the lower left corner of your computer display.
- Click Power.
- Click Restart. Note: Restarting clears temporary resources that may be causing issues.
For more information, go to: Microsoft Windows 7/8/10 Restart Steps.
2. Apply software updatesply software updates
Start with Windows Update to get the operating system updated. Next, use Lenovo System Update for automatic software installations. Installing software updates first helps our Lenovo support teams provide quick assistance if the system still has a problem.
A. How to run Microsoft Windows Update:
- For Windows 10, click
> open Settings > Updates & Security > Windows Update. For more information on how to do this click Keeping your PC up to date.
- For Windows 7, 8 Keep your PC up to date and Turn automatic updating on or off
B. How to run Lenovo System Update:
Option 1: Use System Update in the Lenovo Vantage app (Windows 10)
- Lenovo Vantage is often already installed. Click
, then type Lenovo Vantage > click Lenovo Vantage > click System Update > Check for Updates > install all updates.
- Check for updates repeatedly until no updates remain to be applied.
- If Lenovo Vantage is not installed:
- Obtain Lenovo Vantage from the Microsoft app store through
- Choose Download Now > Download Vantage.
Option 2: Download, install, and use the Lenovo System Update app (Windows 10, 8, 7) by clicking Lenovo System Update
- Choose the version corresponding to the computer's operating system to install the correct version of System Update.
- System Update will search the computer for software that needs to be updated and offer to install for you. Lenovo recommends installing: critical updates and recommended updates.
C. Dock software updates:
- Ensure that your dock drivers and firmware are up to date:
- For more thorough dock troubleshooting, please view the following:
- Dock Display support matrix:
- For other how-to's and troubleshooting, review: Popular Topics: Docks, Docking Stations
D. Monitor software updates:
If your system has a monitor connected, review: Monitors - Reference Guide
3. Did adding a new software program cause a problem?
If adding new software caused a problem, review: Windows Support: Repair or remove programs in Windows 10
4. Still having issues?
For users having difficulties with system performance, the best action is to use Lenovo System Update (LSU) to obtain most updates. Should an issue persist, check the version levels of drivers and software by comparing those available for installation manually at Choose the system that matches the system updates that are needed, and choose the Drivers and Software tab to see all updates for the system. Install any new versions found.
The most recent files are more likely to help. Choose Release Date and Last 30 days.
All files may not need to be installed from the resulting list. Look for areas where issues are occurring. For example, install files from the Display and Video Graphic section if video issues are occurring.